We are an interdisciplinary team, founded and lead by Dr. Uroš Platiše, with co-owners Dewesoft and Tomaž Kanalec. ISOTEL is dedicated to research and development of mixed signal analogue/digital designs, high performance real-time firmware, communication interfaces as well as software support.
Focused in high-current sensors and patented Platiše Flux Sensor, precision data-acquisition systems, real-time control systems, and sensor networks. Our business includes research projects and industrial product development as our services.
We also develop and upgrade open-source design & development tools, which are freely available for download. Includes Isotel version of ngspice, which adds mixed domain simulation of verilog/VHDL with firmware algorithms written in asm/C/C++, and diagnotsic tools for rapid firmware development and testing.
Our headquarter is located in Slovenia, ISOTELpower d.o.o., Gabrsko 12, 1420 Trbovlje.
Product Support
Send inquiries to:Open-Source Code/Library Development
Use the github pages to file an issue or feature request.
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